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Erin Grummert


Erin Grummert


Erin joined ZGL in 2014 as the Landscape Maintenance Help Desk Manager. Even though Erin came into the company without any industry knowledge, her past experience in administrative roles within different fields has allowed her to learn the industry quickly. With this ability, the Help Desk has become an integral part of the Landscape Maintenance Department at ZGL. Erin’s role includes routing landscape maintenance crews, irrigation techs and add-on techs each day to ensure they know where they need to be. Erin is the main point of contact for current landscape maintenance clients to call with any questions or needs that they may have. She works closely with the account managers to put together bids for potential HOA and commercial maintenance clients as well as keeping them up-to-date regarding their accounts.

Erin is a native of Northern Colorado, a graduate of Poudre High School, and has an Associate’s Degree in Business from Front Range Community College. When she isn’t keeping the Maintenance Department on track, she lives in Wellington with her husband Sheldn, daughter Taylor, dogs Wilson & Kimber, and cat Baby Ruth. In her spare time, you can find her kickboxing, reading, fishing, camping, cheering on the Colorado Eagles, or playing Bingo at one of the taprooms in Wellington.

LIKES: Colorado’s sunrises & sunsets, seafood, and being challenged on a daily basis

DISLIKES: Slow drivers, cold temperatures without snow, and people who show no regard for other’s time