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Dustin Dayton


Dustin Dayton


Dustin is a Colorado native who was born and raised in Loveland. He grew up learning skills as an auto mechanic alongside his father, and quickly discovered a passion for fixing all things broken. He joined ZGL in 2012 as a Maintenance Foreman and is now the Maintenance Operations Manager. Thanks to his background knowledge as a mechanic, he has also spent many winters rebuilding engines in the shop. This has allowed him to develop a sense of respect towards the equipment, which he strives to pass along to the employees that he supervises. Safety at ZGL is of high importance which is so he spends a lot of time holding trainings and meetings for the ZGL team. Dustin has earned a Colorado Gardener Certificate and is also a Colorado Certified Landscape Technician. He strives to continue learning more about this industry and enjoys challenging himself every season.

When Dustin is not at ZGL, he enjoys spending time with his wife and their daughter. He is extremely passionate about all thing’s car-related and can often be found under the hood of his own. During his free time, he also likes to learn more about the landscape industry and pass his knowledge onto others, so don’t hesitate to ask him any questions you may have!

LIKES: Traveling, being outdoors, and snowboarding

DISLIKES: Heavy traffic, mushrooms on his food, and socks with sandals