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Enhance Your Outdoor Living Space with a custom kitchen

Add a new dimension to your landscape with an outdoor kitchen. You’ll maximize the functionality of your outdoor living space with the ability to store and cook food for your family and guests without ever having to enter your home. Our custom-designed outdoor kitchens mesh seamlessly with your landscape design, providing added functionality and beauty from only the top brands on the market today.

outdoor kitchen

Common Outdoor Kitchen Elements:

Over the years, the most frequent requests we receive for outdoor kitchens include:

  • Refrigerators
  • Freezers
  • BBQ grills and smokers
  • Pizza Ovens
  • Mini Refrigerators
  • Bar top elements and kegs
  • Sinks and cutting stations

How We Design Your Custom Outdoor Kitchen

You will be surprised by how many modern conveniences can be installed in your outdoor space. Appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, ovens, and stoves are common components of outdoor kitchen design schemes, making it easy for you to cook and entertain without ever stepping back inside your home. Other common outdoor kitchen elements include shelving, cabinets, sinks, seating walls, bars and countertops.

Outdoor kitchens must weather the elements, and the materials used in construction and should be sturdy enough to stand the test of time. Whether you desire a modern outdoor kitchen or something a bit more traditional, we’ll ensure your project meets all of your needs with products that are designed to hold up to the harsh elements of Colorado’s summer and winter seasons.

Outdoor Kitchen Building Materials

Outdoor kitchens must weather the elements, and the materials used in construction should be sturdy enough to stand the test of time. Stone, pavers, and granite are durable, attractive options for your outdoor living space, while stainless steel appliances will add a sleek, modern touch. Don’t hesitate to reach out for more information on our variety of finishes.

How to Maintain Your Luxury Outdoor Kitchen

With proper maintenance, your outdoor kitchen can last for years to come. While your structure is crafted from durable materials, your outdoor kitchen will still require some simple TLC. Use a scrubbing brush, water, and mild soap to keep your space sparkling. Any stone fixtures should be power washed once a year to maintain their aesthetic integrity.

Outdoor Kitchens by Zak George Landscaping

How We Plan Your Custom Outdoor Kitchen

Your outdoor kitchen from Zak George Landscaping will be customized according to your exact specifications. Whether you desire a modern outdoor kitchen or something a bit more traditional, we can create the space of your dreams. Your process will begin with a consultation and estimate, where you can discuss your preferences and ideas. We’ll present a detailed plan that you can sign off on before we begin remodeling. You’ll be kept in the loop throughout the entire process, so we can ensure you are completely satisfied with your outdoor kitchen.

Why Choose Zak George Landscaping

Zak George Landscaping is committed to creating beautiful outdoor spaces for our customers. We conduct our business with integrity, creativity, and dedication that truly set us apart – and the stunning results of our work doesn’t hurt, either. Check out our landscaping portfolio to see our amazing projects for yourself.


Contact Us

Transform your backyard into a private oasis with a luxury outdoor kitchen from Zak George Landscaping in Fort Collins, CO. For more information on our landscaping services or to request an estimate, call (970) 221-9228 or send us a message here.